Redpath Museum
Cassy, There was a time when I saw pure love around; Laughter bursting out of your chubby cheeks; Strength and determination emanating from your eyes; You had heavenly beauty, wisdom of an angel and heart of pure gold;You must have known your worth, and was not going to let anyone trick you out of it; No one would dare to do that anyway - your place was firmly established;You and your needs were unique;When I needed strength, wisdom and determination, it was in your direction that I must have always looked;We were once one and will always be - my baby unicorn. Mommy
1 comment:
On January 22, i celebrated Davina's birth - one of the happiest days of my life;
Her adorable presence - full of inspiration and hope - the embodiment of a Murillo Angel;
Her many natural talents - insights right on target - her love of children and older people;
Lessons that, I believe, remain her legacy in the hearts of many.I miss her so much,
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